Monday, March 23, 2009

I've missed you and a tid bit about my housekeeper..

Man, I feel like I've missed out on so much lately since I was gone all last week. Hope you are all doing wonderfully and I'll be coming to visit you at your blogs soon.........

Today, my best friend (my cleaning lady) is here. We are catching up on laundry and such, it is lovely. I love her and I love it when she is here...she loves our family and the kids LOVE her!!! I thought that I was going to have to let her go and I still might have to (I really should actually), but I just can't do it. I cannot say it, I get tears when I think about it...she's not JUST our cleaning lady, she has become my FRIEND!

Well, I'll be back to normal posting probably this evening, but for now I'm getting my house nice and tidy.


Anniebanannie said...

Missed you too! Glad you're back.

The Soladay Family said...

Welcome back! I grew up with a housekeeper like that. In fact, she still cleans my parent's house!

Caleb said...

I thought I was your best friend.

Anonymous said...

Welcome Back!!

michelle matthews said...

Do not let go of your housekeeper! You need her! You have 3 little ones! We have one twice a month and she teaches Luke spanish. He loves her! We will not let her go unless J loses his job.
I hope you had a great week! We missed you last weekend! :(

Impulsive Addict said...

Can you send her over here to my pad? Thanks.

Rosemarie said...

I MISSED YOOOOOUUUUU! Don't worry about being gone - I do it all the time! :)

Anonymous said...

OMGosh... you have a housekeeper? I want one! I definitely think you should hang on to her. Glad that you're back.

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

Missed you, too, mama.

I'm telling you this, Katy. I probably couldn't keep a housekeeper because I'd be all wanting to make out with them all the time - I would be THAT HAPPY to have someone clean my house. Seriously. Do not let her go unless things get really sketchy in the $$$ department.

I'm going to go to bed now and dream about how lovely it would be to have a magically clean house.

Shannon said...

Welcome back! :) Aren't housekeepers the best? She sounds like a dear friend.

Something In The Glass said...

Sorry to hear about the friend/housekeeper! Missed you, too and VERY glad you're back!!

Multislacking Mama said...

How are your sadz? Did they go away? Were they specific sadz or did they have a purpose?

Mine are non-specific sadz, and I don't get it.

No crying- I don't cry anymore (physically can't). But I can throw a tantrum.

This too shall pass.