My little man turned 20 months old yesterday...only 4 more months and he'll be the BIG 2, cannot believe it. He is the most quiet child that I have EVER been around, he only talks when he wants to, he never talks or makes a noise in crowds. Mc is a complete cuddle monster and I love it! Happy 20 months sweet baby...Mommy, Daddy, L, and B girl LOVE you so much!!
Note: He is NOT quiet at home!!
What a sweet face! Happy 20th month Birthday!!!
Look at those baby blues! Don't cha just love when you get a calm kid out of the bunch? :)
Happy 2-0! Such a cutie pie:)
Hes soooooooooooooooooooooo cute!
Oh, he is so sweet..I think he looks a little like his Aunt Sissy....I LOVE that boy. I miss you guys so much tonight..
Aww, y'all think Mc's cute?
Awwe! I love this lil guy! He is precious and he looks so much like his mama!
He is a precious little dude! Our babies aren't too far apart in age.
Miss Tess will be two Oct 2. BOO-HOO!
aren't 3rd babies just the best.!
Happy 20 months old!
AWWWWW What a sweet little face! I could just eat him up!! SO ADORABLE!! I never realized him and P Man were so close in age!! P is 21 months! I wish you lived closer and they could have play dates! DARN!
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